If you have any questions, please call the office at (650) 328-2262.
If you are an interested family and would like to be added to our mailing list, please send us an email at
Our goal is to place every child in the class of their choice. However, sometimes certain classes become full and we have to create a waitlist. Normally, most children on the waitlist end up in the program they desire, but we cannot always guarantee that will happen. We offer priority registration to currently enrolled students, those with siblings currently in programs, children of the Meadow Makers and Middles, and grandchildren of Associates.
Fall Registration Priority is based on time stamp, on Registration day, in this order:
Current CFI family who meets Sept 1st age requirement
Current CFI family who is close to age requirement (reviewed by teachers after registration day)
CFI Alumnae Family registration
New CFI family who meets Sept 1st age requirement
New CFI family who is close to age requirement
This program is for parents and children. For currently enrolled, it is meant to be a 4-week extension of this program year. Please choose the program day you are currently in (or the age your child was by September 1st, 2024 if a new family.) It is $375 for 4 weeks. You and your child come one time a week for four weeks. When you register, you pay in full ($375) at the time of registration. A full refund, less $50, if need to cancel by April 15. No refunds on or past April 16.
*There must be 10 sets of parents/children to hold a class. Thank you!
March 8: At the time of registration, a $30 non-refundable registration fee is required per child, per program (Visa/MC/Amex)
March 10 - 16: You will be contacted to join a program or be notified you are on the waitlist. If you are invited to join us, and in order to secure your spot, a non-refundable deposit is due upon receipt. Thank you. Please pay via e-check on Diamond Mind. We do not accept credit cards for deposits/program fees.
March 18: Your non-refundable deposit is due upon receipt on your program confirmation day and is past due on Wednesday, March 19.
Please note: Payment in full is due for new registrations received after June 13th or acceptance of a wait list opening.
$375 Deposits:
Moments in the Meadow
Morning in the Meadow
Afternoon in the Meadow
After School in the Meadow
$150 Deposits:
Parent/Child Tea
Change Makers
Grandmas in the Meadow​
July 1 - 4: Program Invoices will be sent via email
July 25: Balance of Program Fees is due upon receipt and no later than Friday, July 25 (check or E-check). We are unable to accommodate refunds and/or credits of dropped programs after July 25. Thank you for your understanding.
*We have a $100 Benefit Fee which goes towards overhead, production & raffle for our upcoming Benefit, February 7, 2026. Please save the date!
Heart Voices ($620) and Spiritual Rap ($595) registration/re-enrollment program fees are due in full. (check, e-check or Venmo @C-Family (Last four digits #8196). You will receive an email with re-enrollment/payment instructions at the end of April beginning of May. Thank you!
The Child and Family Institute recognizes the interconnectedness of all people and contributions of all individuals, including those of any background. We strive to make our programs affordable to all families regardless of financial circumstances. To the extent that funds permit, financial assistance is available to families in need; please contact Brooke Larkins at (650) 328-2262.