Lead Teacher
Melissa first came to the Meadow with her daughter Karina in 1990, and then with her son Jack in 1994. She joined our Staff in 2001. She has a BA in English, an Early Childhood Education Certificate, and an Adult Education Credential. She has worked with young children and their parents for over 30 years. Melissa is our Lead Teacher for our Morning and Afternoon in the Meadow Programs. She spends a great deal of energy planning our Mom’s time— always combining both Head and Heart. In 2016, she helped to create one of our newer programs, After School in the Meadow. Working with our families over the years has brought great joy to Melissa’s life.
What is it that you value about the CFI program that you are involved with?
Every year I look forward to sharing stories and creating a deeper understanding of the challenges and blessings of mindful parenting.
Memorable family tradition?
As a child I loved that each birthday was celebrated just with family and a terribly messy chocolate cake with a ceramic train on the top that held candles. The train was used for all our teenage birthdays and continues to be in use for adult birthdays when visiting my mother in New Mexico.