We are fortunate to have our Meadow Makers
Satra Hawkins
Katie Mohammed
Feel free to contact them with any questions.
Who are the Meadow Makers?
The Child & Family Institute has always been supported by an auxiliary group of extraordinary women who love the spirit of CFI and want to see it continue. For many years, the CFI Auxiliary provided guidance, support and fundraising to CFI. Several years ago, many of the Auxiliary members “retired” to become Associates, and a new group of women formed the Meadow Makers. While the Auxiliary Associates are still active supporters of CFI and a vital part of our community, the Meadow Makers are now leading fundraising for CFI. Fast forward, we are just starting to see some Dads come as the primary program parent. This is wonderful. In this case, Dads are Meadow Makers, too!
What are the goals of the Meadow Makers?
The goal of the Meadow Makers is to bring parents together in community and provide support for CFI in the form of fundraising and guidance. Our Meadow Makers meet sporatically at CFI, a private home, a club, or another offsite location to meet, socialize, review Meadow Maker committee tasks, and enjoy special events. A schedule of upcoming meeting topics can be found in Important Dates.
Everyone is welcome to join and participate as much as possible. For more information, please contact Satra or Katie.