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Margaret has truly been with us since the beginning. She led the blessing for the opening of CFI in September of 1986. In the following years, she has spread her magic in many areas: Star Retreats, Dads & Kids Events, Music Outreach in the community and as Storyteller for the Mother & Child Teas. Margaret has two daughters Elizabeth and Felicity and two grandsons. She loves the underlying support of the spirit of faith in the families at CFI. Margaret retired from the Institute in June of 2018.


Memorable family tradition?

My Mom read to my brother and me every night without fail. I had a hard time learning to read, but because of all of the magical wonderful stories she read to us, I knew it was something I needed to keep working at. As a mother and grandmother, my passion for reading is my delight that I shared with my family. As a professional storyteller, I get to share my passion with the mothers and children at our Teas. Just the other day, my 54-year-old daughter called, saying "Mom, I don't feel well. All I want is for you to come over and read 'Winnie the Pooh' to me." Ah, the power of stories.

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